Development Office News

Development Office News

Living Every Day Hand in Hand

Posted on October 22, 2019 in: Faithful Stewardship

Living Every Day Hand in Hand

Gina Foster

Hand in Hand with all God’s Children is lived every day by the parishioners of our Diocese. They are dedicated members of their communities, contributing their financial support to our ministries as well as their time as volunteers. We are so grateful to our donors and appreciate all of their support to this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal. Your helping hands reach much further than you may realize. Not only do your ACA dollars benefit vocations and provide education for clergy and laity in all aspects of sacramental worship, but they also, for example, provide community members with a warm nutritious meal, which is so important any time of the year.

Your ACA donations also assist those suffering with mental illness issues. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five adults experience mental illness in a given year. In addition, an estimated 26 percent of homeless adults living in shelters experience some form of mental illness. Your ACA donation in even its smallest measure can provide help to Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich and St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown, as they all work to help those facing mental and behavioral challenges.

In order to assist our many ACA supported ministries, whether they are educating the youth in faith, or providing families with emergency basic needs, just a few of the ways our ministries help our friends and neighbors, we rely on all of our parishioners to donate. Mary Ellen Mahoney, Executive Director, Office of Development, reflecting on the importance of parishioner participation in the ACA, said, "We know that in order to fund our ministries to allow them to continue to impact the most people possible, it takes all of our support. The Annual Catholic Appeal provides the vehicle by which we can all do our part to help keep our ministries strong. Last year, 24 percent of our parishioners compassionately donated to the ACA. This year we are hoping to increase this number and are asking everyone who is able, to make a donation no matter how small. As this year’s ACA theme reminds us, “We are All God’s Children.”

Thank you to all who have donated thus far to the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal, which now stands at $2,398,058 - 86 percent of our goal. We currently have 21percent participation and are striving to have close to 100 percent of our parishioners donate this year. If you haven’t given to this year’s ACA, there is still time. If all our parishioners make just a small contribution, together we can reach our goal. All donations are very much appreciated.

To watch the ACA video and make a donation please visit or call the Development Office at 860-886-1928. There are several ways to donate, and the office can also assist with matching gifts.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
Office of Development
331 Main Street, Floor 2
Norwich, CT 06360-5836

Phone: 860-886-1928