Development Office News

Development Office News

In for a Treat-A Message of Hope and Appreciation

Posted on March 07, 2021 in: Development Office News, Catholic Foundation News, Annual Catholic Appeal

In for a Treat-A Message of Hope and Appreciation

2021 ACA Video with Bishop Cote 

Throughout this pandemic, I have had the pleasure of being able to meet with my boss, Bishop Cote, on a regular basis. I cannot begin to tell you how much I’ve treasured these meetings. We of course talked about my job responsibilities in the Development Office, how our Annual Catholic Appeal, Catholic Foundation, and planned giving efforts were doing amidst so much uncertainty and such an increase in the needs of those in our communities. Although he always gave me productive advice and support, it was Bishop Cote’s fortitude, his faith that we would get through this together, hand in hand with our God, that I treasured the most. Because like all of you, I look to our Bishop for strength and encouragement, just as I do to Jesus Christ, my rock and Savior. 

I wish that each of you could have joined me during these meetings because I know that your spirits would have been lifted just as mine always were. So, when thinking of our yearly Annual Catholic Appeal video, I knew without a doubt that this year, we all would want to see and hear from our shepherd, Bishop Cote. You are all in for a treat when you watch the ACA video which will be shown in your church on the weekend of March 6-7, when we launch our 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal. While it is not possible for Bishop Cote to meet with each of us in person, when you watch this video and listen to his very heartfelt message, I guarantee you will feel he is with you spiritually and that he has been throughout this past difficult year. 

In the video, you will see Bishop Cote speaking directly to you, from both his office and the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. As I watched the taping of the video, Bishop Cote’s sincere desire to communicate to his flock was evident. You will hear the Bishop note that while he is unable to know exactly how each of us has been affected by the pandemic, he knows that “when confronted with difficulty, no matter its source or size, we take comfort and find our strength in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior. When we come together in prayer or pray alone at home, no matter where, it is our personal relationship with God that reinforces that He is always with us, that His love knows no bounds and that He alone can take all of our burdens and lighten our load.”

After discussing the great strength that we each take from our relationship with God, the video captures Bishop Cote recognizing the support that we received from one another, from our medical personnel, first responders, essential workers, and of course, from each of us, who have lifted each other up in prayer and carried out our own personal acts of kindness. In closing, Bishop Cote highlights the many ministries that have helped to sustain our friends and neighbors by providing physical or spiritual support: our soup kitchens, Catholic Charities, Office of Faith Events, and Ministry to the Sick, just to name a few, acted as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, providing His love.

Bishop Cote’s message is one of hope and great appreciation for what each of you have done to support our Annual Catholic Appeal. He is truly grateful for each of you and the sacrifices that you have made this past year to continue your support of the Annual Catholic Appeal. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I do and walk away, like me, from my time with Bishop Cote, with a grateful and hopeful heart. If you are unable to participate in Mass on March 6-7, you will be able to watch the video on our website at The ACA collection will be taken at Mass during March 13-14.  You will also be able to donate online or by contacting Heather Harris, Campaign Manager at (860) 886-1928 ext. 111. Thank you and God Bless! 

For More information or to Make a Donation Click Here

By Mary Ellen Mahoney

Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
Office of Development
331 Main Street, Floor 2
Norwich, CT 06360-5836

Phone: 860-886-1928