Development Office News

October Celebrates Our Guardian Angels

Posted on October 13, 2020 in: Faithful Stewardship, Annual Catholic Appeal

October Celebrates Our Guardian Angels

As October unfolds, we welcome cooler temperatures and colorful foliage, and celebrate many feast days.

One of my favorites, which I find to be particularly comforting in today’s world, is the Feast of the Guardian Angel on October 2. This feast day celebrates God’s loving care for each of us in the form of angels. How wonderful it is to be reminded during times of stress and concern that we indeed have a guardian angel watching over us. I often pray to my guardian angel and the guardian angels of my loved ones, asking them to provide protection, love and guidance.

The Gospel reading for the Feast of the Guardian Angel is Matthew 18:1-5, 10 in which Jesus explained to His disciples that they must become like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He also reminds them that, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me.” 

How often do you see a child hug a dog, kiss a sibling or ask a parent to help the homeless person on the street? Children have no hidden agendas and speak from their hearts. By telling us to be like children, Jesus is teaching us that the honesty, innocence, goodness and kindness of children are most important to Him.

“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me.” 

While the Annual Catholic Appeal, “One Faith, One Family,” does not have the power of our guardian angels, I like to think that it is doing its part to help our ministries act as guardian angels to many in our community.

When I speak to priests who have counseled people during this pandemic, or celebrated the sacraments with their flock, I think of guardian angels. When I hear clients of Catholic Charities or the soup kitchens talk about the life-affirming care and support they received during the past six months, guardian angels come to mind.

I have visited some schools and as I watched the masked students file past me, I could not help but think of Matthew 18. Each time we help a child, we are receiving Christ. Whether it be a guardian angel in Heaven or one on Earth, we all can feel like children, and in need of help from another during difficult times. When we come together as “One Faith, One Family,” we have the strength to overcome life’s challenges.

I know that everyone reading this has acted as a guardian angel to others many times throughout their lives.  This is the strength of our diocese: people caring for one another. While we may encounter difficulties, we know that we are members of a larger community and we can turn to each other when we need help.

Please take a minute to review the list of ministries of the diocese displayed at and feel free to reach out to them when you have the need. If you have not donated to the ACA and would like to, you may do so online at or call our office at (860) 886-1928 ext. 111 to speak to our Campaign Manager, Heather Harris.

Please continue to be safe and enjoy a glorious October. Thank you for your support.

By Mary Ellen Mahoney      

Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
Office of Development
331 Main Street, Floor 2
Norwich, CT 06360-5836

Phone: 860-886-1928