Development Office News

Pastoral Letters Received - 2022 Annual Catholic Appeal

Posted on May 13, 2022 in: Annual Catholic Appeal

Pastoral Letters Received - 2022 Annual Catholic Appeal

The Annual Catholic Appeal is working hard to reach its 2022 goal and has enlisted the very gracious assistance of our pastors to help with this endeavor. 

We began our 2022 ACA, One Faith, One Family in February and as we do every year we have asked our pastors to follow up with their parishioners who have not yet donated by sending them a May letter. We realize that many of us have had very busy schedules and despite our very best intentions some of us have not found the time to make our 2022 ACA gift or pledge. On behalf of those in our communities who receive spiritual, physical, and educational sustenance from the diocesan ministries and programs receiving support through our ACA, our pastors have asked us to consider making our gift or pledge today. 

I know that many of you are faithful supporters of your own parish and may wonder why we ask you to donate to the Annual Catholic Appeal as well. The answer is simple; your parish is not in a position by itself to conduct the diocesan-wide initiatives that our diocesan ministries spearhead. For example, the education of our seminarians, the running of our soup kitchens, the education of our children in faith, and the administration of our Office of Safe Environments, are all efforts that require diocesan support and coordination. 

As of May, 5, the ACA is currently at 71% of its $2.7 million goal, having received just over $1.9 million in gifts and pledges. While we are extremely appreciative of these gifts, we have received donations from 12% of the parishioners that we have contacted.  This leaves 88% who have not yet participated in donating. If we could encourage each parish to challenge itself to increase its 2021 participation rate by 10%, we would be in great shape. If we all pull together as One Faith, One Family, our $2.7 million goal is certainly attainable. But it will definitely take a commitment by each of us to do so. 

We thank you in advance for your support of our ACA ministries who do the work of Christ each and every day. Relying on your kind generosity, these ministries conduct their critical missions, helping to provide education to our seminarians and young, food and financial provision to those in need, compassionate care to the sick, and renewal of faith to those seeking a closer relationship with their Lord.

If you would like to support the 2022 ACA, please contact our Campaign Manager, Heather Harris at (860) 886-1928, ext. 111 or at Any size donation is appreciated. Online gifts and viewing of Bishop Cote’s 2022 ACA video are available at .  Thank you so much. 

By Mary Ellen Mahoney

Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
Office of Development
331 Main Street, Floor 2
Norwich, CT 06360-5836

Phone: 860-886-1928